Co-Writing God's Story
This entry is part of a set of discussions on Inhabiting God's Story
Humans are culture makers, co-workers with God in the making of this world. God made the world; we make something of the world. That's his design.
Therefore, to be human is a huge responsibility. Much of what happens on earth is up to us. If we don't do it, it doesn't usually happen. We have an important role to play.
This means that we're co-authors with God in his Story. We are writing the Story as we live it.
So what does it look like to inhabit God's Story? It looks like a people who know who they are and what's going on and who live accordingly. What does that look like? Show me. Let's do it and see!
Some Sources
Therefore, to be human is a huge responsibility. Much of what happens on earth is up to us. If we don't do it, it doesn't usually happen. We have an important role to play.
This means that we're co-authors with God in his Story. We are writing the Story as we live it.
So what does it look like to inhabit God's Story? It looks like a people who know who they are and what's going on and who live accordingly. What does that look like? Show me. Let's do it and see!
Some Sources
- The video clip is from Episode 3 of the Reframe Course by Regent College (used with permission).
- Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, by Andy Crouch.
- The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann.
- Being Human in God's World: An Old Testament Theology of Humanity, by J. Gordon McConville.